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School Uniform

Our school uniform policy can be found here.


The school's uniform consists of the following:

Grey skirt/pinafore dress/trousers/shorts

White polo shirt

Blue & white checked summer dress

School logo sweatshirt/cardigan

White/grey/black socks/tights

Black shoes

PE Kit: School logo T-shirt, black shorts/burgundy/black joggers, school logo sweatshirt, trainers, change of socks

Year R

For our children in Year R, we strongly encourage children to wear:

•Plain black or burgundy joggers, leggings or PE shorts 

•White polo shirt 

•School logo sweatshirt or cardigan 

•Plain black trainers (no logos)

•Black or white socks

Due to the active nature of our Year R play-based curriculum both in and outdoors, the children need to be ready for physical challenges at all times. Sandals or smooth soled shoes, skirts and dresses are not ideal.  In addition to this, children will also need a PE kit in a draw string bag (there will be no need for an extra pair of trainers). A saving can be made where no additional school shoes are needed. The PE kit will be used for Active Me 360 Sports Coach sessions. 


To order School uniform visit

Please ensure that all clothes are named

FROGS have some good quality items of second hand school uniform that are available for a small donation; what they currently hold is available on this list.